Skills Book + eText + My eLab - STUDENT

Par Gaetz, Lynne

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Aimed at students in pre-university, technical and business programs, Goals explores issues that concern all students: finding jobs, successful careers, the environment and gathering data, automation of the workplace and conducting research. It includes: A wide range of authentic readings and audio/video segments to choose from for both academic and technical fields of study Field-related productions with a variety of writing and speaking activities relevant to the workplace and/or college curricula Grammar and editing practice with a focus on overlooked, yet practical advanced grammar topics A handy brochure, English Writing Guide , with models and writing patterns for accurate academic and technical writing What?s new: Updated readings about current topics New audio content All new video selections Updated My eLab with more exercises and new tests All new Grammar My eLab included with Goals Grammar book My eLab: Self-graded exercises for more reading and listening comprehension and vocabulary practice  

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À propos de l’auteur

Nationalité : Canada


  • Format : livre
  • Type de couverture : Souple
  • Langue : English
  • Nombre de pages : 156

Du même auteur

  • Avenues 2,  2e ed.
    • 40,95$ /ch.
    • Prix courant 40,95$ /ch.
    • Qté:
    • Quantité disponible: 0
    • Disponibilité Réapprovisionnement - délais variables