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Long Reach Full Strip Stapler
747 Business Stapler red
Swingline Light Touch® Staples
Compact Handheld Plier Stapler
Premium S.F.3® Staples
Classic 1-Hole Punch
Swingline® Omnipress™ S030 Stapler red and black
SmartTouch® 2 or 3-Hole Low Force Paper Punch 3 holes 45 sheets
Light Touch® 2 or 3-Hole Lever Professional Paper Punch
Heavy Duty Staple Remover
10X 2-Hole Paper Punch
Swingline S.F.®13 Heavy-Duty Staples 3/4” (90-160 sheets)
Breeze Automatic Half Strip Stapler
Optima® Grip Upright Stapler Full strip, 210 staples black
Swingline Cartridge of 5,000 Staples
Optima® Stapler black